Curriculum Vitae
Eva Seidenfaden
Nedenskovvej 4
8740 Brædstrup
Email: eva@seidenfaden.dk
Web: www.vissingggard.dk
Born 30-06-1951
I am educated as a teacher with wood, metal, craft & design as main subjects in 1974.
Worked with willow & weaving since 1984. I have created an international willow centre
at Vissinggaard near Braedstrup in Denmark. Since 1989 numerous basketry courses have been
held here with teachers from all over Europe, several international symposiums with themes
on basketry and willow work have been held, as well as "Big Willow and Basketry Day",
a professional 2-day get-to-gether for basket makers and artists combined with a public
basketry craft fair with stalls and exhibitions. This event has been held 6 times.
I have participated in the exhibitions and stalls at each of these events.
Initiated Baskets4life in 2006, in which context has also
been held courses, exhibitions, and events worldwide.
Please see www.baskets4life.dk.
Since 2003 I have been deeply involved in basketry projects in Burkina Faso. Fifty women are
involved in creating shopping baskets for export.
In 2012 a new project in Zambia involving 20 basket makers in the Northern Province will take place
with the focus on design and new products in order to create new jobs in the local communities.
Collaboration with Ane Lyngsgaard and Lupane Women's Center in Zimbabwe. A 3-year project creating new designs using local materials. The line of the design is now marketed under the name: Tatinga (meaning exchange).
In 2016, Ane and I were once again invited to design new products in Zambia at Mumwa Craft Ass. in Mungo, Zambia. The line of design is marketed under the name: Tatinga (meaning weaver bird).
During the past few years I have participated in the following exhibitions:
Tarnobrezg, Polen 1995
Kulturspinderiet Silkeborg, DK 2002
Kulturspinderiet Silkeborg, DK 2003
Kunstforeningen f. Landbrugets Rådgivningscenter, Århus, DK 2003
Aarhus Universitets jubilæum, The greenhouses in The Botanic Gardens in Århus DK 2003
Holmengård, Norway 2003
Fussingø Slot. Craft exhibition DK 2004
"Culture-night" The Botanic Gardens, Århus DK 2004
Brædstrup Library, DK 2004
Chapelle du Mejan, Arles, France 2004
Fussinggø Slot Jubilæumsudstilling DK 2005
The Greenhouses in the Botanical gardens in Copenhagen, DK 2005
The Burnside Gallery, the Isle of Arran, Scotland 2005
Basketry exhibition, Pinolere, the Canary Islands 2005
"Pushing the Boundaries", Inverness, Scotland 2006
Musse de la vannerie, Cadenet, France 2006
The Greenhouses in the Botanical gardens in Copenhagen.DK 2006
Chapelle de majan , Arles, France 2006
Originator of the project "Shopping Baskets" 2006
Which have been exhibited throughout Denmark and Vallabregues, France, in 2006 and 2007
"Kurv" Rundetårn 2007
Cherry Festival at the Johannes Larsen Museum, Kerteminde, Denmark 2007
Ete de la Vannerie et det métiers d'art, Lay St. Christophe, France
The exhibitions "Kurv", Silkeborg Bad, Denmark 2007
"Flet til alle tider", Moesgård Museum, Denmark 2007
"Flet til alle tider", Trapholm Museum, Denmark 2008
European Basketry, Ireland 2008
Galleri Villvin, Risør, Norway 2008
Værkstedsgalleriet, Kerteminde, Denmark 2008
Noordwolde, Holland 2009
Anniversary Exhibition, Finland 2009
Kvindemuseet, Århus, Denmark 2009
Transperance, Dialog 09 - Africa Now, Musikhuset, Århus, Denmark 2009
Stadtschloss, Baskets4life, Lichtenfels, Germany 2009
Transperance, Kreative Dage, Frederecia, Denmark 2009
Birkerød Kunstforening, Denmark 2009
Working in Willow, Summerset Art Weeeks, Mushgrove Willows, United Kingdom 2009
Ludvigsburg, Germany 2010
SDC Gallery, London, United Kingdom 2010
Chapel de Mejan, Arles, France 2010
Gensinghoved, Denmark 2010
Baskets4Life, Giethuset, Frederiksværk, Denmark 2010
"Linking", Flectmuseum, Noordwolde, Holland 2012
"Cherry Festival", Johannes Larsen Museum, Kerteminde, Denmark 2012
"Mellem Linier", Rundetårn, Copenhagen, Denmark 2012
"Hand Craft: Long Live Crafts", Museum van Boijmans Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2013
"Mellem Linier", Risør, Norge, 2014
"Something About Nothing", Saskatuan, Canada, 2014
"Basketry Identity", Riverhouse Barn Arts Center, England, 2015
"Emma Bound", Saskatuan, Canada, 2016
"Dimensions", Vissinggaard, Denmark, 2016.
"Dimensions", Bovbjerg Fyr, Denmark, 2018.
Tranum Strandgård, Denmark, 2019.
Gallerie de Mejan, Arles, France, 2020.
Tranum Strandgård, Denmark, 2020.
Rundetårn, Denmark, 2020
Craft fairs:
May Market, Vissinggaard, every other year DK 1997 - 2001
Big Willow and basketry day, Vissinggaard DK 1986 - 2004
Risør, Norway, every year 2000-2005
Vallabregues, France 2002-2005
KIC Craft Fair Århus, Denmark 2005
Lichtensfels, Germany 2009
Vallabregues, France 2007-2015
Risør, Norway 2007-2019
Vallabregues, France 2007-2019
Teaching in Denmark:
Over the years I have taught at all the major craft institutions and held numerous courses
at Vissinggaard and other places in Denmark.
Teaching abroad:
EU project i Evijärva, Finland 2001 and 2002
Talk and slideshow at the willow symposium Kuopio Finland 2002
Périgordcourse York, England 2003
Annual willow courses: at Holmengården, Norwegian Craftcenter 2000-2005
Master class in Scotland, Isle of Arran 2005
Sculpture course and Périgord courses in Finland 2005
Annual basketry courses in Lambesc 1996 - 2007
Ending at the Vallabregue basketry festival, France
Basketry course Israel 2006
Basketry Course, Washington State 2006
Salt Spring Islands , Canada 2006
Ouagadougo, Burkina Faso 2006
Ouagadougo and Banfora, Burkina Faso 2007
Basketry course, Israel 2007
Risør Kunstforum, Norway 2008
Basketry course, Israel 2008
Kologh Naba, Burkina Faso 2008
Ouagadouga and Banfora, Burkina Faso 2009
Israel 2009
Stockholm, Sweden 2009
Beruffachsschule, Lichtenfels, Germany 2009
Basketry course, Israel 2010
Seattle, Washington, United States 2010
BC, Canada 2010
Flectwerkstatt, Mannedorf, Switzerland 2011
Israel 2011
Finland 2011
Øland, Sweden 2011
Lambesc, France 2011
Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada
Fishsticks, Washington, USA
Willow Gathering, Iowa, USA, 2014
Lakeshore Willow, Canada, 2014
Israel, 2014
Lupane Womens Center, Zimbabwe, 2014
Lambesc, France, 2014
Finland, 2015
Willow Gathering, Iowa, USA, 2015
Lakeshore Willow, Canada, 2015
Israel, 2015
Lupane Womens Center, Zimbabwe, 2015
Lambesc, France, 2015
Irish Basketmakers Association, Ireland, 2015
Lambesc, France, 2016
2019 taught at Imbali Visula Liteacy Project, Johannesburg, Southafrica.
In 2016-2019, Ane Lyngsgaard and I initiated a design project in Zambia at Mumwa Craft Centre in Mongo in Western Province. The baskets from this project are now marketed and sold under the name of Tatinga (weaverbird).
Domaine de Possible, Arles, France, 2020
Scrapbook from Big willow and basketry day 2002
The Art of Basketmaking –The Périgord technique 2004
Contemporary and Traditional Basketry at Vissinggaard 2011
Le festin d’Eva, la Passion de la Vannerie. Actes Sud. 2019
Weaving the World - A Passion for Basketry. 2020