The above mentioned is an ongoing project initiated by Eva Seidenfaden in January 2006
at Vissinggaard.
To create a professional, objective, and cheerful forum 11 basket makers got together
in order to design and create with mutual inspiration.
The perspective is to exhibit together and make basketry more conspicuous in
the Danish and the international craft connection¨, and so intervene and take part in
the public discussion about design and functionality.
We want to point out the political issue in the necessity of the use of baskets and not
plastic bags, and inspire creative people to see the potentials in the ideas behind the
project as an innovative tool in teaching.
The object of the project also contains a plan of creating the production of shopping
baskets in a Third World context based on the Danish design.
In March 2007 two groups of women in Burkina Faso started weaving on metal structure
with different available materials such as bicycle tyres, goat skins, millet straws etc.
The hope and the aim is to be able to sell the baskets locally in Burkina Faso as well
as import them to Europe.
If the motto: "Get rid of the plastic bags, go for the shopping baskets" is to be
recognized, the baskets from Africa must be acquired in a Fair Trade context so the
African weavers get a decent pay for their work.
We imagine that the baskets could be given as part of employer's gifts, where the baskets
can be obtained at a price which allows for presents in the basket, and in shops supporting
the Fair Trade idea.
The baskets are now available via Kuni.nu.
The Danish group consists of:
Annette Balle
Anne Folehave
Anne Honoré
Anne Mette Hjørnholm
Ane Lyngsgaard
Birtgit Østergaard-Jensen
Dorte Tilma
Hanne Vistisen
Marianne Mortensen
Marie Skinbjerg
Eva Seidenfaden
The Shopping Baskets have until now, and planned in near future to be, exhibited in the
following places:
Galleri Villvin in Risør, Norway, June 21. to August 3.
Værkstedsmuseet in Kerteminde, Denmark, July 13. to August 14.
Flecht Museum in Noordwolde, Netherlands, September and October.
Rundetårn, København, Denmark, March and April
Påskeudstilling, The PondCottage Art Galleri, Løkken, Denmark
Udstillingen 'Kurv', Silkeborg Bad, Denmark, May and August
Festival de Vannerie, Vallabregues, France
Fællesskuet i Herning, Denmark
Pilefestivalen, Moesgaard, Århus, Denmark
Langenæs Kirken, Århus, Denmark
Håndarbejdslærernes årsmøde, Fredericia, Denmark
Åbne Atelieer, Karise, Denmark
Vissinggard, Brædstrup, Denmark
Sales of the exhibited baskets:
Please contact the basket makers.
Sales of the African baskets:
Contact Eva Seidenfaden via email,
If you want to borrow the shopping baskets for an exhibition, please contact either one
of the basket makers or Eva Seidenfaden at
"Shopping Baskets - Get rid of the plastic bags, go for the shopping baskets"
has it's own website at www.baskets.dk.
Burkina Faso, December 2007
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Burkina Faso, March 2007
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Shopping Baskets by Eva Seidenfaden
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Work with shopping baskets at Vissinggaard, 2006
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