Courses can be arranged at Vissinggaard or elsewhere for a minimum of 4 participants.
The price for the lodging, food and teaching at Vissinggaard is DKK 1.000 per
person per day unless other is agreed.
The price for a retreat is DKK 550 per day.
The full amount is payed when ordered. By deregistration until 14 days before half
of the amount is refunded. By later deregistration there is no return. The price
of the materials is settled at the course.
Please contact Eva Seidenfaden at eva@seidenfaden.net.
Teachers: Anna Maria Vaaitainen, Finland, Joan Carrigan, Canada and Tim Johnson, Great Britain.
June 22 to 26, 2009.
Monday and Tuesday gathering bark for everybody sharing experience. I will provide a cherry,
elm, pine, cedar and willow, all cut down ready for pealing. Everybody including the teachers
should take bark for themselves for the course and for later use. We will see that there will
be more than enough of everything.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday teaching from 9-13 with 6 students on 3 different classes running
alongside. We have invited Anna Maria Vaaitainen as one teacher with willow bark and techniques,
Joan Carrigan as another with cherry and cedarbark and northwest American techniques and Tim
Johnson as the third teacher with different kinds of cordage. The teaching will be student directed
and focusing on experimental work.
Afternoons are free.
From 18 to 19 everyday we would like everybody in turn present their individual work or whatever
they would like to share on the computer/projector.
Evenings are free.
Friday night we would make the grand evening with presentations of experience and results.
Alongside we would like to document the week and turn it into a book ( a MAC book).
As special guests we have invited Dorothy Gill Barnes , John Mcqween and his partner Margo Mensing.
Price 4500.- kr.
The price includes materials, accommodation, food and teaching.
August 4. to 8., 2009.
The course takes place at the very beautiful estate "Les Peyrrières Blanches" in Lambesc, Provence.
The last day of the course will take place at The Willow Festival in Vallabregues including a
We start with a very simple techniques, which will then invite to different types of baskets and
We work with white and brown willow.
It is hot, and therefore we work near a nice reservoir, where both body and mind can be cooled.
A visit to the local Basketry Museum in Cadenet and the market in Lourmarin is offered during the
Price: DKK 2,750 or 360 €.
Materials: Approximately DKK 400 or 55 €.
The price includes teaching and lunch.
Bed & Breakfast can be arranged nearby for approxemately €30 a day.
Dinner is offered at €20per meal.
Teaching is from 9 to 17.30 including a siesta.
The course is recommended for beginners as well as advanced students.
Maximum 12 participants.
The course language is French, Danish and English.
The participants are responsible for transport. The nearest station is
Avignon or Aix-en-Provence. Nearest airport is Marseille.
Different Basketry Techniques in France
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The concept inspires to use the facilities at Vissinggaard: The workshop, museum,
library, video, a large variaty of materials and access to the lake and the forest.
The idea is to give the participants the opportunity to work in their own way.
To fullfill ones basketry dreams, to practice, to experiment - simply enjoy the peace
to make basketry.
The participants work on their own, but if there is the need for assistance,
instruction can be bought on an hourly basis.
Beside the freedom and peace, food and materials are taken care of.
A "retreat-day" starts at 18.00 in the evening and lasts until 17.00 the next day.
You can choose the number of days you like.
Price per day: DKK 550
Price of materials by agreement.
At the start of the course Burkina basktery is shown. It is a spiral technique from the
countries around the Western Middeterranian.
Later the technique in the Périgord basket is demonstrated.
The participants are free to continue with the simple technique, or they can concentrate
on the Périgord Technique.
Burkina & Perigord Basktry
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At the start of the course several options and materials are shown, and the participants
are invited to a round, where ideas and wishes are presented.
For beginners and experienced.
The students will be introduced to different patterns.
Tzatza - Polish Bread Baskets
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The students will be given a metal structure that fits into a trolley. Inspired by the
project "Shopping Baskets - Get rid of plastic bags, go for
shopping baskets", the students will create their personal basket.
There will be a wide range of materials available, e.g. willow, wires & plastic,
bark & bicycle tyres, electrical cables etc.
The illustrations in the gallery show a variety of shopping baskets created by the
members of the group round "Shopping Baskets".